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Government earns over Rs 14 lakh from scrap disposal in cleanliness drive

The government has conducted a series of cleanliness drives from November 2023 to August 2024 in an initiative aimed at enhancing cleanliness and workplace sanitation.
The effort was part of the broader Swachhata Campaign, designed to promote hygiene and optimise space management across all divisions, offices and field units.
As part of these efforts, the Department of Defence Production (DDP) of the Defence Ministry conducted a total of 446 cleanliness drives across the country.
The drive included activities such as weeding out physical files, disposing of obsolete items, resolving public grievances and clearing outdated references and assurances.
These efforts were undertaken not only in the department’s central offices in New Delhi but also across its various fields and attached offices. This includes the Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA), the Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance (DGAQA), as well as subordinate bodies such as the Directorate of Standardisation and the Directorate of Ordinances.
One of the campaign’s most notable achievements was the disposal of 13,356 physical files, which cleared 8,750 square feet of space.
Additionally, the scrap disposal efforts generated substantial revenue, totalling Rs 14.58 lakh. The initiative not only enhanced the office environment by freeing up valuable space but also contributed to a healthier and more organised workplace.
During this period, the department also resolved 57 pending references from Members of Parliament, 17 from the Prime Minister’s Office, 1,432 public grievances and 214 public grievance appeals.
The DDP implemented the cleaning initiative to improve efficiency and productivity in their workspace. The effort was aimed at creating a more organised and pleasant environment for their employees.
